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Blakeley at Play

We have adopted the O.P.A.L scheme for lunchtimes but what is OPAL?

•Outdoor Play and Learning

•A strategic and sustainable way to improve play

•Focuses on creating different opportunities for different types of play

•Utilizing space

•Encourages children to be creative, imaginative and manage their own risks

The benefits of this include:

•Research shows that children's mental and physical health is getting worse and that great play can make it better.

•During seven years at primary school, children spend 1.4 years at play.

•Behaviour incidents are less as children are more occupied.

•Self-regulation – Children learn this through practice, trust and freedom.

•Physical activity – All children are more active.

•Mental health and well-being is improved.

•Social and emotional development

•Life skills – Risk-taking, collaboration, creativity